Follow These Simple Dos and Don'ts of Using Area Rugs

Meta Title: Follow These Simple Dos and Don'ts of Using Area Rugs

Meta Description: When it comes to using area rugs, there are a few dos and don’ts you should note for them to last a long time. Read on to learn about them. 

Keywords: decorative area rugs

Many homeowners prefer area rugs over wall-to-wall carpeting since the former is removable and therefore easier to clean. In addition, you can easily change around many different area rugs to fit your redecorating needs. 

When it comes to using area rugs and preserving their good quality, there are a few dos and don’ts you should note for them to last a long time. Read on to learn about them. 


  • Cover Living Areas With High Traffic

Make sure to use a wide-covering area rug for high-traffic areas in your home. This ensures that walking in these areas will be both safe and comfortable. Choosing an area rug that does not cover the entire floor can lead to accidents or make it awkward for you and your guests to walk.

  • Determine How You Will Clean Them

Before buying an area rug, make sure you are familiar with the proper way to clean it based on the material. Area rugs are an excellent investment, and you want to be sure that you can take care of them for a long time.

Some rug materials may be inexpensive but cannot be cleaned and used again after a major spill, so you may want to consider factors like these. A helpful rule of thumb is to check the rug’s cleaning instructions before deciding to purchase. 

  • Extend Rugs Under Every Furniture

When choosing an area rug, make sure it covers the feet of all pieces of furniture in your living space. This just means that the area rug should be big enough to keep your furniture pieces on top of it. This preserves your flooring and protects your upholstery.


  • Don’t Be Afraid to Play With Colors and Patterns

Area rugs are a part of your space’s overall interior design. This is why you should not hesitate to incorporate your personal style when you’re choosing one for your home. There are huge selections of colours and patterns out there that will suit your preferences and lifestyle needs.

  • Don’t Use a Small Rug for the Bedroom

If your area rug does not extend beyond your bed, you may find yourself stepping onto a cold floor first thing in the morning. Therefore, make sure you get the correct measurements before shopping for an area rug for the bedroom.

We recommend that you pick a rug that extends at least 12 inches from a double bed and at least 18 inches from a king or queen bed. You can, of course, go beyond these but at least follow these minimum measurements for your comfort and safety. 

  • Don't Use Your Best Rugs in Danger Zones

If you are keen on making them last a long time, avoid placing your favourite or most expensive rugs in areas where spills and other accidents are likely to occur. These spaces include dining rooms, kitchens, or even nursery rooms. 

Even though some area rugs are easier to clean than carpets, it may still be challenging to get rid of stubborn stains. If you have kids and pets, you may want to consider buying inexpensive area rugs made of materials that do not retain stains that much.


Area rugs make your spaces look neat and attractive without having you break the bank. Just follow our simple tips above, and you won’t have to worry about replacing them several times and wasting money. 

If you need decorative area rugs for your living space, check out Global Carpets. We offer a wide variety of high-quality carpets, rugs, and hardwood and laminate flooring in Vancouver, BC. Get an estimate through our website today! 


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