Add or Odd_ When Putting a Carpet in Bathrooms

Meta Title: Add or Odd: When Putting a Carpet in Bathrooms

Meta Description: If you’re thinking of pulling off the same thing, keep reading on to learn the considerations to know if it’s time to hit the carpet stores!

Keyword: best flooring for bathroom

What feels like a household crime even though it is not an actual crime? By now, the list would be flooded by all the petty absurdities, including a lazy-looking jar next to colour-coordinated sets, a weird colour combination of kitchen wares, or a garden gnome that does not sit just right. To make things more unsettling, what about a carpet in a bathroom? Yes, some people find it aesthetically appropriate and functional too.

For sure, the idea of putting a carpet in a place that often gets wet may draw different opinions. Because why not, right? But to tell you, this is a real thing, and this trend has been going on for a while now. If you’re thinking of pulling off the same thing, it is time to hit the carpet stores after taking into account the following considerations.

Look For Synthetic-Based Materials

Silly if you think using a cloth, wool-based, or cotton-made carpet will make you socially acceptable. No, get rid of that quickly unless you want a weekly washing job. Pick only those carpets made of nylon, polyester, polypropylene as they dry much faster. With these fabrics, foul odour won’t be a problem, either.

Consider Low Pile Carpeting

Thicker carpets absorb more moisture, and the contrary can be said about low piles that do not absorb much water at all. If you plan on getting a carpet for your bathroom, you can have it easier by choosing one with low piles. They don’t welcome much moisture to seep through, making them quicker to dry out.

Pick the Right Style

As the common saying goes: comfort before style. Taking this into context, you might want to get a loop or needle-punched carpets that hold piles intact and flat. Needle-punched carpets are good enough for bathrooms in the same way that Berber carpets are just fine in rooms with high moisture concentration.

Install a Water-Impermeable Subfloor

Having a carpet in your bathroom is indeed a delicate situation. It is even more taxing if your subfloor is not concrete, which may call for water to permeate deep within. And so, make it a point to install your carpets on concrete floors only. If you can’t do this, then resort to cement backer board as the primary flat layer before laying your carpet.

Consider Carpet Squares

All homeowners have one common enemy: mould settlement that usually builds up in wet areas. Bathroom carpets, having been exposed to constant moisture, suffer from this problem. This then calls for the need to utilize an alternative, like carpet squares. As they are largely modular, only a specific tile may be replaced if needed. To mention, they are also low piles, which make them easy to dry out. The most impressive of all is the ease of installing them. Just a simple peel and press is all that is needed.


True enough, putting a carpet in a bathroom sounds like too much work. It is taxing even just by thinking of the possible problems that might arise from it. But there are careful guidelines available to make the idea convenient and hassle-free. Also, do not forget to do regular vacuuming to ensure no moisture will be left behind.

If you have been wanting another addition to your bathroom, you can never go wrong with a carpet. Make sure to get yours at Global Carpets, the top provider of best flooring for your bathroom. Check our carpet collections and get an estimate online.



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