3 Causes of Carpet Stain Reappearances and How to Address Them

Even if you put all the effort into keeping your carpet clean and pristine, stains always reappear somehow. While there are many causes for stains to appear on a daily basis, everyone can agree that carpet stains are annoying and hurt the home's aesthetics! What’s more, if not dealt with properly, they tend to reappear—causing even more problems later on!

That being said, the best way to deal with the nuisances of reappearing carpet stains is by preventing it from happening in the first place. To do that, it pays to know what causes stains to reappear and appropriately carrying out the right action to address it.


With that in mind, here are the common causes of carpet stain reappearances and how to get rid of them:


1. Wicking


If you are familiar with how wicks work, you might have a general idea of how it stains your carpet. Simply put, you may have already cleaned your carpet thoroughly on the surface. However, a stain may have already pooled up below, meaning that the carpet's material will wick that stain right back up, causing it to reappear.


If you are dealing with this problem, you can try and address it by putting towels on the spot and putting weight on it, such as a stack of books. Leave this set up overnight and check it for stains the day after. 

If this does not work, you will need to hire a professional carpet cleaning service to clean and dry the carpet thoroughly. They will utilize the hot water extraction method, where a vacuum spray and sucks up hot water to and from the carpet, effectively sucking up all the stains out.


2. Soiling


While using a spot cleaner to remove a stain on the carpet can be useful, there are times where it leaves a residue—especially if you did not clean it up properly. This can cause stains to appear, making it seem like you did not address the stain at all!


If you believe that the spot cleaner caused the stain, a great way to clean it is to pour some warm water onto the area. With that done, ensure that the spot dries up thoroughly. Otherwise, you risk wicking from happening again, perhaps at an even more significant level, since the water may have spread the stain further.


3. Moisture


Sometimes, even if you address the stains thoroughly, the stains always come back somehow. This can mean that there is still moisture deep in the carpet and is lingering around in the subfloor!


To fix this problem, you will need to remove the carpeting entirely. With that done, leave the carpet and the subfloor to dry thoroughly before reinstalling the carpet. If you find that this job is too much for you to handle, then you can hire professional cleaners to remove the carpet and reinstall everything for you. Once that has been done, you can go ahead and clean out the stain once more.




Carpet stains can indeed be annoying. While some may be wiped off, others require full removal of the carpets to clean properly. That said, if you find that you are having trouble with reappearing stains that never seem to go away, we highly recommend working with carpet cleaners or replacing the carpets entirely. This way, the source of the problem can quickly be addressed, and you can once again enjoy the beauty of clean carpet flooring.

Are you looking for a provider of carpet flooring in Canada to replace your frayed out flooring? Global Carpets and Hardwood Ltd. is a provider of high-quality carpets, rugs, and other flooring options. We also handle installation services and provide you with the excellent customer service you deserve to ensure you have a pleasant experience. Get in touch with us today!


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